BASH security vulnerability

Marc Tremblay mtremblay at
Wed Oct 8 19:22:20 UTC 2014


I work for a school board in Montreal, Quebec and we are transitioning over to GAFE. This transition has allowed the acceptance of Ubuntu (Lubuntu) as a perfect solution for converting our older labs which painfully run on Windows 7.

In a meeting this morning the issue of the BASH security vulnerability was brought up as a reason not to go the Ubuntu open source route. I need to find out if this security vulnerability is something we should be worried about to the point of not moving forward with this project. It would mean 1000 of computers being sent for recycling instead of repurposing them with FOSS.

Any thoughts??

Marc Tremblay
Educational Services Dept
Lester B. Pearson School Board
1925 Brookdale
Dorval, H9P 2Y7

mtremblay at<mailto:mtremblay at>

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