Where are acpi event scripts that are binded to keyboard shortcuts?

Artemgy launchpad at artmg.org
Mon Oct 6 11:08:21 UTC 2014


> Since some keyboard shortcuts are missing (Fn+F3: switch screen) or misworking
> (Fn+up, Fn+down: change backlight level) or simply without NotifyOSD
> message (Fn+F5, toggle wifi), I would edit them manually.

> No one works. Even if it does not work very well, the backlight
> shorcuts do change the backlight level. The shorcuts really launch
> those scripts, or there are other scripts elsewhere?

I use $HOME/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml for fixing the key-bindings
for these 'blue' hardware functions on laptops.

The inconsistency between models when installing Lubuntu on various
differrent laptops is one of my bugbears. It seems that folks working on
the kernel or xorg or openbox or even Lubuntu manage to improve support
for these with each release, however I suspect there is an absence of
standards for manufacturers to follow, which makes it tough to keep up. 

In some cases there is a simple fix to correct the syntax in the openbox
config file. For example, some laptops volume keys work if I search for
the text "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", and after each of the three commands
"amixer -q" I insert the text "-D pulse" before "sset". In other cases,
like screen switching I resort to binding a key to a command that
executes a shell script calling xrandr, which is a little more fiddly.

Perhaps you could try binding to scripts in your openbox config?

Example of binding in openbox:
List of special keyboard symbol codes:
Sample script for binding monitor toggle key to Super-P:

Hope this helps

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