the 6 ways Experts show themselves
israeldahl at
Sun Nov 23 20:59:49 UTC 2014
On 11/23/2014 08:14 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Den 2014-11-23 15:04, Israel skrev:
>> On 11/23/2014 05:40 AM, sd wrote:
>>> This is indeed a good read to learn how to improve yourself. However,
>>> the author(s) oversimplify human interaction when they claim one can
>>> distinguish "fake" from "real" expert based on their tips. This is
>>> definitively fake expertise for doing that. Breaking the points
>>> described there and being a "fake" expert is part of the human nature.
>>> Every "real" or "fake" expert will do it at some point or another - do
>>> not be afraid to any of these. We are all experts in something, even if
>>> it is how to brush the teeth. It is easy to fall into one of these, on
>>> any topic, at any time. Aspire to be humble and gentle - but sometimes
>>> it just feels good to be a jerk - you cannot help it and it is ok if it
>>> is only once a while - all people of all levels do that and it is often
>>> amusing and informative per se, as it shows we are all humans :). This
>>> piece has some good tips to help yourself constrain it and to improve.
>>> Thanks for sharing the link.
>>> On 23/11/14 09:33, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>> Jack made me aware of this link. I think we all have something to learn,
>>>> not only to be able to tell an expert from a fake, but also how to
>>>> improve our own roles in the community and be better helpers ;-)
>>>> Interesting reading the 6 ways Experts show themselves...
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Nio
>> Hi Nio,
>> Great link!
>> Glad to know an expert like yourself!! It has been invaluable to learn
>> the things I have from you!
> Thank you Israel!
> *You* are always very positive, helpful, knowledgeable and aware of your
> limits, so a real expert :-)
> Best regards
> Nio
Thank you too Nio, that is very kind and very encouraging to hear!
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