Configuring sound output on Lubuntu 14.4

Leszek Lesner leszek.lesner at
Wed Nov 19 19:08:52 UTC 2014

Am 18.11.2014 um 20:01 schrieb Marc Tremblay:
> Good afternoon,
> We are testing Smart Notebook Software for Smart boards at our school board on Lubuntu 14.4. Everything seems to work quite well but we are unable to get sound from the USB speakers on the smart board.
> Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this. On windows machines we would check the sound settings and choose the appropriate device for sound output. I'm not sure where to find this in Lubuntu?
If your computers are powerfull enough I would recommend installing the

Pavucontrol gives you a dialog which allows you to easily switch the
default audio output.
If you don't want to use pulseaudio either you select the default
soundcard in every application that uses sound or you need to deal with
fiddeling with the asoundrc config file to set the default alsa sound
card. (There is no graphical tool that I know which does this)

Hope that helps
> Marc Tremblay
> Educational Services Dept
> Lester B. Pearson School Board
> 1925 Brookdale
> Dorval, H9P 2Y7
> mtremblay at<mailto:mtremblay at>

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