Overhead in 14.04 Comparing Xubuntu and Lubuntu

Aere Greenway Aere at Dvorak-Keyboards.com
Tue May 6 01:17:58 UTC 2014

On 05/05/2014 05:32 PM, Israel wrote:
>    I think the thing to change would be how the windows are drawn during
> moving.  I have been in JWM mode lately, so this may be a JWM thing...
> sorry if it is.  Is there a way to change the move mode to show only the
> outline of the window, instead of a live view?
> I think that could considerably speed up the movement of windows.
> Wait I just looked...
> http://openbox.org/wiki/Configuration#Resize_.28and_move.29
> apparently you can!  Try this option, I think it will help.
I changed: "<drawContents>no</drawContents>" to 

I don't know if that was necessary, but I did it for consistency with 
other parameters.

I also changed: "<popupShow>Nonpixel</popupShow>" to 

After making this change, window-dragging seemed to be much more 
efficient, but all my desktop icons (and the screen wallpaper) were gone.

I re-booted, and then my icons and wallpaper re-appeared, and 
window-dragging remained more efficient.

With that change, I have no problems with my Lubuntu 14.04 system, other 
than it ignoring color-customization.

The Xubuntu system on that machine remains un-usable.


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