Lubuntu 14.04 Ignores User Color-Customization

Aere Greenway Aere at
Sat May 3 20:37:42 UTC 2014


I encountered a problem with Lubuntu 14.04 which (to me) is a 
show-stopper.  I'm sure it isn't as important to others.

I have my own peculiar style of customized colors.  One of the main 
reasons my primary system uses Lubuntu is because of the 
color-customization, which retains the ease-of-use that was present in 
Ubuntu 11.04.

I upgraded a Lubuntu 13.10 system for which the colors worked fine. 
After the upgrade to 14.04, the color customization does not appear in 
any windows I have tried (and I have tried a lot of them).

Even in the window where you change the appearance with custom colors, 
it shows that it remembers the colors I specified, but the specified 
colors are not used in the window in which I specify them.

It appears that color-customization can be done in the preferences 
settings, but the color customization you specify is universally ignored.

Does anyone have any idea of how to make color-customization work in 
Lubuntu 14.04?


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