[Lubuntu-qa] Minimum and recommended RAM to install Lubuntu Trusty

JM meets at gmx.fr
Thu Mar 27 16:32:10 UTC 2014

If so, I suggest antiX which works a treat, I had installed it on a very old and lousy
laptop, and you could add other ones such as puppy and damn small linux. (Not Slitaz
unless you try it, the 4.0 was good for bringing a headache and the development has been
not very consistant from version to version).


On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:05:52 +0000
George DiceGeorge <dicegeorge at hotmail.com> wrote:

> The Lubuntu Wiki page paragraph 'System Requirements'
> also needs suggestions of other smaller linuxes to install on older 
> computers,
> and links to a webpages about other smaller linuxes
> etc.
> Ubuntu is a belief in a universal bond of sharing that unites all of 
> humanity.
> [george]
> PS Where is the Lubuntu wiki?
> its hard to find,
> i'v googled to
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu
> cant find it
> oh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
> and
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/WikiMap
> seems  out of date.
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Nio Wiklund
> Sent: Thursday, 27 March, 2014 15:51
> To: JM ; Ali Linx ; Phill Whiteside
> Cc: Dale Visser ; lubuntu-qa at lists.launchpad.net ; lubuntu user list
> Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-qa] Minimum and recommended RAM to install Lubuntu 
> Trusty
> Based on the feedback from several of you, I suggest the following text
> for the Lubuntu Wiki page paragraph 'System Requirements'
> -----
> text for the Lubuntu wiki page for Lubuntu 14.04 LTS
> System Requirements
> Lubuntu is a good operating system for many old computers, but not for
> all of them. Some computers have too little horsepower or memory. A rule
> of thumb is that the computer should not be more than 10 years old.
> Memory (RAM)
> If you plan to use advanced internet services like Google+, Youtube,
> Google Docs and Facebook, your computer needs at least 1 GB RAM, but
> 2 GB RAM makes the computer work better.
> If you plan to use local programs like Libre Office (for word
> processing,spreadsheet calculations and presentations) and Thunderbird
> for email, and seldom browse to web pages with a lot of graphics and
> animations, your computer needs 512 MB RAM, but 768 MB or 1 GB RAM makes
> it work significantly better.
> Processor (CPU)
> The minimum specification for CPU is Pentium 4 or Pentium M or AMD K8.
> Older processors are too slow and AMD K7 has problems with flash video.
> VIA C7 might run with Xubuntu 12.04 LTS or Bento, Bodhi, LXLE.
> Graphics chip / card
> Nvidia, AMD/ATI/Radeon and Intel work out of the box, or the system can
> be tweaked to work fairly easily. You can get help at the Ubuntu Forums.
> With such graphics, or if you don't know, try Lubuntu 14.04 LTS.
> SIS grahics should be run with flavours or re-spins of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,
> for example Bento, Bodhi, LXLE.
> Installer
> The desktop installer works in most cases. If you have problems, for
> example with the graphics, try the alternate installer.
> Advanced methods
> If you have an older or less powerful system, and you are ready for
> advanced methods, read the tips at this page.
> -----
> (Suggestions for the wiki page 'Advanced methods' is not written yet)
> Best regards
> Nio
> 2014-03-27 10:08, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> >
> > The text we are discussing is like this now
> > -----
> > System Requirements
> >
> > We have done many tests and we've found out that Lubuntu can be
> > installed on a Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MB of RAM, but such
> > a system would not perform well enough for daily use.
> >
> > With 256MB - 384MB of RAM, the performance will be better and the system
> > will be more usable.
> >
> > With 512MB of RAM, you don't need to worry much.
> >
> > The default "Desktop" installer requires 384-800 MB of RAM (depending on
> > selected options.) If you have problems, please use the "Alternate"
> > installer.
> > -----
> > and it is part of the web page
> >
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
> >
> > which was last edited 2013-11-26 12:48:42 by dale-visser
> >
> >
> > I think we must change it.
> >
> > 1. Lubuntu Core Trusty works with 128 MB RAM, but not standard Lubuntu
> > Trusty. And Lubuntu Core needs at least 256 MB to work reasonably well,
> > but not for browsing bloated web pages. So it is mis-leading to state
> > that Lubuntu can be installed with 128 MB of RAM. It might be true for
> > some old version, but it is not true for Lubuntu Trusty.
> >
> > 2. With zRAM, the Lubuntu desktop installer does not need more than 384
> > MB RAM. Before zRAM was used, it might need 700-800 MB for some
> > complicated installations.
> >
> > 3. Let us consider if we should specify the amount of RAM necessary for
> > the alternate installer. I think it is better to specify it.
> >
> > 4. Let us consider if we should also display the alternatives OBI and 9w
> > to install Lubuntu Core, which is lighter than standard Lubuntu.
> > Remember that there are many old computers with 256 MB RAM!
> >
> >
> > Best regards
> > Nio
> >
> >
> -- 
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JM <meets at gmx.fr>

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