Portable installed system that boots in UEFI as well as BIOS mode

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 12:37:55 UTC 2014

Hi Rafael,

1. No it is not made to be installed with Unetbootin.

In linux, I think it is easiest to use mkusb according to this link


In Windows you can use 7-zip and win32diskimager according to the


2. Yes, it is persistent, because it is an installed system.

It behaves like a system installed to an internal drive, except that it
might be slower depending on the pendrive's hardware and the USB system.
A fast USB 3 pendrive in a USB 3 system is almost as fast as an internal
system. A fast USB 3 pendrive in a USB 2 system is much faster than a
standard USB 2 pendrive.

Best regards

2014-03-26 13:21, Rafael Laguna skrev:
> Can we install it with unetbootin? And has it persistent filesystem?
> Because I'd like top get rid off my harddisk boot and use this.
> --
> Rafael Laguna
> Lubuntu Artwork Team
> 2014-03-26 12:47 GMT+01:00 Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
> <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>>:
>     Hi Phill,
>     I have uploaded a compressed image file of a system for high end
>     computers, contrary to what I have been working with before.
>     This is a portable installed system that boots in UEFI as well as BIOS
>     mode. It can be installed into a USB pendrive and is a good alternative
>     to a persistent live system, because it can be updated and upgraded
>     without limits.
>     See the description in this web page
>     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UEFI-and-BIOS
>     and it is uploaded to your server at
>     http://phillw.net/isos/linux-tools/uefi-n-bios
>     The method described and the 'final product' as a compressed image file
>     work for me in a Toshiba notebook according to the following
>     specification.
>     http://www.toshiba.se/laptops/satellite-pro/c850/satellite-pro-c850-19w
>     I don't know how specific or portable it is until tested in other
>     computers with UEFI.
>     I think the method is more important than the 'final product' in this
>     case, and it will be interesting to find out how portable it is.
>     Best regards
>     Nio
>     --
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