have you got a really old computer

Phill Whiteside PhillW at PhillW.net
Fri Mar 7 22:36:00 UTC 2014


we have tried to maintain
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements ... If it needs
updating, then please do get it tested :)



On 7 March 2014 21:30, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2014-03-07 01:53, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We want to try a new kernel for Trusty Tahr, that is developed by
> > PhillW. Many people help to build an Ubuntu based operating system
> > around it, a system that should work on most computers (maybe except
> > some of those brand new ones that cannot switch off UEFI).
> >
> > We have a wide variety of computers, but have not found any really old
> > one without PAE capability. I'm not talking about Pentium M and Celeron
> > M, I'm talking about CPUs before Pentium II:
> >
> > Pentium Pro, Pentium (i586), or Intel 486 or maybe the corresponding
> > generation of AMD from 1993-1997.
> >
> > I have an old computer from 1998, and it has a Pentium II CPU at 400
> > MHz, so it must be older. Check for a clock frequency at or below 200
> MHz.
> >
> > If you are a happy owner of such a jewel, please help us test that the
> > non-pae kernel really works in a computer without PAE capability :-)
> >
> > Best regards
> > Nio
> >
> Hi again,
> After some [private] replies offering tests on old enough hardware, I
> can report the following results:
> You can try the installer (to find out if it boots and runs in text mode
> with really low RAM). An older computer might need less RAM for drivers
> than my IBM Thinkpad T42 with Pentium M CPU.
> *The Debian installer, live in an iso file*
> It starts in text mode and uses 18 MB RAM when idle  (and 22 MB in a
> newer computer with AMD Athlon dual core 4400+), but I have problems
> below 64 MB, set with the boot option (text is default)
> mem=48M
> in an old IBM Thinkpad T42 with Pentium M CPU.
> it cannot unpack initramfs
> *Ubuntu Trusty installed system with Phill's non-pae kernel*
> The Ubuntu Trusty kernel needs more RAM, now after some
> testing I would say at least 64 MB, but I have problems below 80 MB, set
> with the boot options
> text mem=64M
> in the same old IBM Thinkpad T42 with Pentium M CPU.
> When idling
> free -m  # shows 38 MB RAM used
> htop     # shows 39 MB RAM used
> but it seems more RAM is needed at some stage of the boot process.
> -o-
> The really old computers available so far have too low RAM, except one,
> with a Pentium Pro at 200 Mhz. It has 128 Megabytes of memory. The
> computer was purchased on 1996.08.31. But it has a PAE flag and should
> be PAE capable.
> I'm starting to think, that most computers if not all, that are old
> enough to lack PAE capability have too low RAM anyway for our new Ubuntu
> flavour non-pae kernel.
> The outstanding exceptions are Celeron M and Pentium M, that lack the
> PAE flag, but in most cases have PAE capability.
> Best regards
> Nio

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