[PCManFM] Automatic samba share refresh

Emiliano Vazquez emilianovazquez at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 10:59:50 UTC 2014

Hi again.

Is there any way to get a refresh of a network folder every time?

I have a network share over samba and this share is in my lubuntu fstab 
and is starting at boot time. Everything looks good but when i put a 
file in this folder my machine don't see the new file/folder until i 
refresh this.

Best regards.

Emiliano Vazquez | PcCentro Informatica & CCTV
Office: +54 (11) 4635-3218 y Rotativas
Movil: 011-15-6253-7165
Mail: emilianovazquez at gmail.com
Web: http://www.pccentro.com.ar

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