Dale Visser dale.visser at live.com
Sun Jun 8 13:26:12 UTC 2014

Many good, important points were made on the page. To me, this one is particularly important, though: "After the LXQt migration, we have to change most of our applications"

It's my understanding that the Lubuntu developer team is relatively small. Don't forget they are committed to support  a non-Qt LTS release at the same time now.

-- Sent from my phone. Please forgive brevity.
From: Israel<mailto:israeldahl at gmail.com>
Sent: ‎6/‎8/‎2014 9:07 AM
To: Phill Whiteside<mailto:PhillW at PhillW.net>
Cc: lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com<mailto:lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: UOS

Hey Phil!
I know that Lubuntu isn't going to move to LXQt right away, and the
applications are not picked out, etc..
I was just wondering if you'd be talking about it, and showing people
where Lubuntu is going, so people interested in Lubuntu
can see where things are heading.  I have read the e-mails from Julien,
and realize that 14.10 is not the LXQt target....
Mainly, you were asking for material to talk about, and I find LXQt very
interesting and was wondering if you would discuss it, and the current
(at the time of the UOS) progress so the
participants will know what is going on, and how Lubuntu is changing.  I
suppose LXQt will need to be in Utopic before much discussion can be
had, though.
If you don't want to talk about LXQt then that is quite fine, I do find
it quite interesting though.

Also, thanks for that link it does centralize the info about 14.10's
current state very well!

On 06/07/2014 05:59 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hiyas Israel,
> please do read Julien's thoughts on the matter[1]... 14.04 / 14.10 is
> the discussion. He will inform us of what is planned for 15,04 once
> plans are in place.
> I also suggest that people do read the emails from the head of dev :)
> Regards,
> Phill.
> 1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/14.10
> On 7 June 2014 21:40, Israel <israeldahl at gmail.com
> <mailto:israeldahl at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 06/07/2014 12:23 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     as you may, or not, be aware the virtual Ubuntu Developers Summit
>>     has become Ubuntu Online Summit. One of many changes is that
>>     classrooms and beginners week have been added in.
>>     I've booked a session for lubuntu to say who we are etc [1]. This
>>     will be based on a presentation I gave at Ubuntu Beginners Week a
>>     couple of cycles ago[2]. That was a 30 minute IRC presentation,
>>     this is 60 mins in a hang-out (hmm, need to make sure I'm clean
>>     shaven :) P
>>     As this is an hour session and things have moved on since 2012,
>>     can the TL's have a review of that presentation and suggest
>>     things that can be added in (also known as make it last an hour).
>>     I'll update any facts that need doing myself. Please feel free to
>>     add in any wishlist you have for further people to the
>>     sub-teams[3] you look after.
>>     Regards,
>>     Phill.
>>     1. http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22284/introduction-to-lubuntu/
>>     2. http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/10/24/%23ubuntu-classroom.html#t16:30
>>     3. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/SubTeams
>>     --
>>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw
>     Hi Phil!
>     Are you going to discuss LXQt at all?
>     I'd like to have some of the current state of Lubuntu moving to Qt
>     discussed.  You may want to have some screen shots of the current
>     progress, and the current list of the default apps (or point
>     people to the blueprints), and maybe discuss some of the default
>     apps to see if anyone has any ideas, etc..
>     BTW, qupzilla is in the repos, so this is a good choice for the
>     x86 versions of Lubuntu as default Web-browser.
>     --
>     Regards
>     --
>     Lubuntu-users mailing list
>     Lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/lubuntu-users
> --
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw


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