mkusb version 8 with menus is released

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sat Jul 26 08:21:40 UTC 2014

Hi everybody,

After some minor edits in the shell-script (after mkusb8-rc) and heavy
edits in the documents I have released

mkusb version 8

The intention is that the menus should make it useful for a larger group
of people.

It is still worthwhile testing mkusb. If you find a bug, it will be
easier for me to fix it now while I still remember what I have been

*Quick start manual and mkusb*

The fastest way to start making USB boot drives with this method is to
download the quick start manual and the shell-script mkusb and check the

See this link

- Download mkusb

- View or download the new quick start manual

- View or download the old quick start manual

- Check the md5sums


There is a more detailed description with many screenshots at

You can also read the first post of the Ubuntu Forums Tutorial thread

Best regards

Den 2014-07-18 12:14, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> Hi everybody,
> I have uploaded a release candidate of the *mkusb* tool to install iso
> files and compressed image files to mass storage devices (typically but
> not only USB drives).
> It is only a bash script, and has been running in crude text mode, but
> people want eye candy, so I've made menus with dialog (big brother of
> whiptail), and also improved the identification of devices slightly
> (replaced calling 'parted -ls' with a home-made bash function). It is
> still text mode, so runs in text screens and terminal windows.
> To illustrate the crucial part of mkusb, how to help selecting the
> correct device and avoid overwriting other devices, there are pictures
> attached at this link (my tutorial thread in the Ubuntu Forums.)
> -o-
> The file mkusb8-rc is uploaded to Phill's server at
> Check it with the corresponding signed md5sum file.
> Code:
> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nio nio  22877 18 jul 06.46 mkusb8-rc
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 nio nio    581 18 jul 11.27 mkusb8-rc.md5.asc
> The quick start manual and the opening post in the tutorial thread are
> still valid, except the illustrations, that will be updated later on
> with screenshots of the menus.
> Please give me feedback about this release candidate: help me find bugs
> and suggest improvements!
> Best regards
> Nio

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