Release candidate mkusb8-rc with menus

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sat Jul 19 04:54:31 UTC 2014

2014-07-18 22:49, Israel skrev:
> On 07/18/2014 01:17 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> 2014-07-18 12:14, Nio Wiklund skrev:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I have uploaded a release candidate of the *mkusb* tool to install iso
>>> files and compressed image files to mass storage devices (typically but
>>> not only USB drives).
>>> It is only a bash script, and has been running in crude text mode, but
>>> people want eye candy, so I've made menus with dialog (big brother of
>>> whiptail), and also improved the identification of devices slightly
>>> (replaced calling 'parted -ls' with a home-made bash function). It is
>>> still text mode, so runs in text screens and terminal windows.
>>> To illustrate the crucial part of mkusb, how to help selecting the
>>> correct device and avoid overwriting other devices, there are pictures
>>> attached at this link (my tutorial thread in the Ubuntu Forums.)
>>> -o-
>>> The file mkusb8-rc is uploaded to Phill's server at
>>> Check it with the corresponding signed md5sum file.
>>> Code:
>>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nio nio  22877 18 jul 06.46 mkusb8-rc
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 nio nio    581 18 jul 11.27 mkusb8-rc.md5.asc
>>> The quick start manual and the opening post in the tutorial thread are
>>> still valid, except the illustrations, that will be updated later on
>>> with screenshots of the menus.
>>> Please give me feedback about this release candidate: help me find bugs
>>> and suggest improvements!
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
>> Hi again,
>> I have started writing a wiki page for mkusb
>> where there is a brief description plus several screenshots (pictures as
>> well as text screen dumps) from mkusb8-rc
>> Best regards
>> Nio
> Nio, you are awesome!  Thanks!

Thanks  :-)

I know you are extrememly busy Israel, so I don't expect you to do much
testing for me, but I do need both testing and some qualified critical

1. Testing that it works as expected, looking for

- bugs
- things that can be misunderstood
- things that are not user friendly

2. This release candidate has basically only added eye candy for the old
way to work, that was there in the text mode version. It it enough, or
must there be new ways to work to make it work for new users?

2.a. Starting mkusb

Is it OK to run mkusb as a command line tool, where the input file is
entered as parameter #1 (the source of the cloning, where the target is
the USB drive)?

sudo path/mkusb path/input.iso

sudo ./mkusb mini.iso

Or is it important, that I add an outer layer, with a menu tool to
select input file (iso file or compressed image file)?


sudo ./mkusb

2.b. Installing mkusb

Now mkusb is not 'installed', but simply downloaded, maybe moved and run
as it is after chmod or using 'sudo bash'.

Is it important to provide a standard model to install mkusb, for
example into /usr/sbin via a ppa?

Is it important that mkusb is made available from the menu/dash
automatically in the installation process?

Best regards

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