Hiding Shutdown/reboot in logout dialog and possible security issue

Israel israeldahl at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 12:49:36 UTC 2014

Hi Anders,

You need to figure out how to automatically start X without using a
display manager like LightDM.

I am not sure if I have been unclear here, so I will go over things a
bit more.
LightDM is the login manager that has those 'pesky shutdown/reboot buttons'
SLiM doesn't have those pesky buttons, and is a login manager.  You can
install it and remove lightdm (after configuring SLiM to be your login
manager of course).
This will solve the screen having 'pesky shutdown/reboot buttons'.

If you *do not want a Login screen AT ALL.* 
You will need to dig a bit, and_find out how to automatically Start X,
without a display manager_ like LightDM or SLiM.

I have no experience doing that.  I do remember having to type `startx`
to get Gnome going, but this was back in the 90s...  So, there has to be
a way you can cut out the display manager, and boot directly into X.  I
suggest searching Ubuntu Forums, or Ask Ubuntu on how to do this.  You
might even try asking in the wider Ubuntu community. This will take a
LOT more work than simply switching SLiM for LightDM, but it is possible.

To summarize: You do not want a display manager.  You want to start X
without a display manager.  I don't know how to do this (never needed to
find out).  Duckduckgo.com might know how to do this :)

On 07/11/2014 04:14 AM, Anders Bruun Olsen wrote:
> .....


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