FW: video editing

Israel israeldahl at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 14:15:01 UTC 2014

Hi Marc,
for simple stuff Openshot is really easy to use and has been pretty
stable for me.  I think some years ago Pitivi was very buggy and crashed
a lot.  For major things KDEnlive is very nice, but uses a lot of KDE

This site is a good place for your teachers and students to look up the
apps...  It is basically just a web version of the Ubuntu Software
Center... but it has pretty good searching capabilities

On 12/12/2014 08:00 AM, Marc Tremblay wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a video editing program for Lubuntu? Keep in mind
> that it would be for elementary students. (see beow)
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Tony Di Vittori
> *Sent:* Friday, December 12, 2014 8:32 AM
> *To:* Marc Tremblay
> *Subject:* video editing
> Hi Marc,
> As we move along with our project we are learning new things and new
> programs to use.  Good thing that students are quick learners.  What
> would be a good, easy to use, and stable video editing program that we
> could use with our Lubuntu laptops.  I have read about Openshot,
> Pitivi, and others and they all seem to have fans and detractors.  Do
> you know of one that would be good at the elementary level
> for students and teachers?  Thanks!
> Tony


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