Using Shockwave with Lubuntu

Marc Tremblay mtremblay at
Tue Dec 9 18:32:41 UTC 2014

Good afternoon,

Many of our teachers use websites that require either Flash or Shockwave to interact with the site. For example: is a site that requires Shockwave. I did some research and found that I can install Pipelight on Lubuntu which would allow me to add a Shockwave plug-in to Firefox which would make the site fully functional.

This is what I did for the install:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipelight/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends pipelight-multi

sudo pipelight-plugin -update

After you do this you need to unlock and enable the shockwave player. Do this:

sudo pipelight-plugin --unlock shockwave

sudo pipelight-plugin --enable shockwave

Then open Firefox and look at your plugins and make sure you see Shockwave for Director

Unfortunately this did not work and when I look at the Firefox plugins I see this error message: Pipelight Error (shockwave)! 0.0

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get Shockwave working with Lubuntu with either Firefox or Google Chrome?

Marc Tremblay
Educational Services Dept
Lester B. Pearson School Board
1925 Brookdale
Dorval, H9P 2Y7

mtremblay at<mailto:mtremblay at>

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