[ubuntu-uk] How old is your computer?

Boris Reinhard reinhard.boris at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 4 18:57:59 UTC 2014

The oldest system I have around is based on an old, slotted, Pentium 3 CPU
with 450 Mhz, 10 GB IBM drive (this drive is a tank, slow as hell but still
works fine), ATI Rage 128, sadly it's been dissasembled for a while as the
mainboard died some time ago. Even tho it is not in use at the moment aside
from the mainboard it would still be useable.

I also have parts of an old Pentium 4 system around, which I recall having
almost 4 Ghz, but I think it's CPU fried at some point, it had a much
better single core raw power/ performance compared to say my old but much
newer 2,6 GHz core2duo but was of course at the same time much less energy
efficient, so lots of wasted power/ heat and therefore not really
justifiable in it's usage.

My oldest system in active use tho is my iBook G4 (ppc) with 1,25 GHz, OSX
10.5.8 and Lubuntu, it's from 2004/2005. Still love the thing :)


Alan Jenkins <alan.james.jenkins at gmail.com> schrieb am Do., 4. Dez. 2014
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