Lubuntu-users Digest, Vol 36, Issue 4 - cleaning unused files
jerrylamos at
Wed Dec 3 13:11:42 UTC 2014
I do a couple procedures:
this exec:
#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove
exit 0
Also after updating with an exec:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
exit 0
look to see if there's a new linux image in /boot such as 3.16.0-25-generic
reboot to see if the new linux image works, then remove the old one:
sudo synaptic
search linux-image-3
and look for previous images.
Select complete removal including configuration files
do another sequence of clean etc.
Now after all that, ubuntu still grows. With Unity It might be 4.2 GB after install, a couple weeks later after more updates pushing 4.9 GB. I have no clue what the extra is. There's been some indication in the development that some huge logs are accumulating but no indication what they are.
I give up and do another install. An exec does most of my setup so it doesn't take long.
Lubuntu is usually 3.2 GB or so and grows slower.
I do testing so I allocate 10 GB in a partition usually plenty for what I do. And another 10 GB o alternate because sometimes the development images don't even boot - example Unity Aug 1 thru Sept 9 recently.
That would leave 28 GB for an Archive for documents, downloads, whatever. I'm a bit unsure about swap on an SSD drive.
Having said all that, I had a leftover laptop 80 GB hard drive which I put in a $10 USB case and set my laptop to boot from USB. Performance is fine. Will your laptop boot from USB?
BTW, I have a favorite Lubuntu setup where I put the desktop panel on the left side and skinny it up like Unity at 32 size and set the panel background so the wallpaper shows thru. My screens are 16:9 so I have more room on the side than the bottom.
jerrylamos at
-----Original Message-----
From: lubuntu-users-request <lubuntu-users-request at>
To: lubuntu-users <lubuntu-users at>
Sent: Wed, Dec 3, 2014 6:46 am
Subject: Lubuntu-users Digest, Vol 36, Issue 4
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Stop "dbus." startx, update/upgrade errors? (Fritz Hudnut)
2. Re: Stop "dbus." startx, update/upgrade errors? (Israel)
3. Re: donate (Rafael Laguna)
4. Deleting old/unused files (Steven Duckworth)
5. Re: Deleting old/unused files (Leszek Lesner)
6. Re: Deleting old/unused files (Rafael Laguna)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 09:36:33 -0800
From: Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at>
To: lubuntu user list <lubuntu-users at>
Subject: Re: Stop "dbus." startx, update/upgrade errors?
<CAG62idCbUy=79ESE8-T12CHMi=eg6mbuPpfPXp=i5YpsCXvBHw at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Tried the various options . . . from the -f install command it showed "0
upgraded, 0 newly install, 0 to remove, 11 not upgraded" . . . so I ran the
fuser command and the prompt just returned very quickly . . . I rebooted,
same problem. Ran thru the "update" but then after the -f install I ran
"dist-upgrade" and it showed the 11 updates, couple of them said
"libsystemlogin0" and "libsystemdaemon0" . . . so I had high hopes . . .
but, no, same problem with login in.
I ran a couple of different variations of the fuser command, not knowing
which place had a space and which was strung together . . . when I strung
the "vki/var/lib" with no space there was some error text showing me the
various options . . . with "fuser: Invalid option /" . . . . ran that a
couple different ways . . . nothing was "said" by APT.
Tried also to "mv ~/.dbus " . . . rebooted . . . problem remains, I'm
typing this in a Guest session . . . . Reminder, this is Lu 14.04 for PPC
. . . . Any other ideas? Only thing I haven't tried is the mv .cache . .
. trying to avoid having to manually copy stuff back into a file . . .
should I try "recovery" again??
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:13:32 -0600
From: Israel <israeldahl at>
To: lubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Stop "dbus." startx, update/upgrade errors?
Message-ID: <547E2B7C.90505 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
On 12/02/2014 11:36 AM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> @Is:
> Tried the various options . . . from the -f install command it showed
> "0 upgraded, 0 newly install, 0 to remove, 11 not upgraded" . . . so I
> ran the fuser command and the prompt just returned very quickly . . .
> I rebooted, same problem. Ran thru the "update" but then after the -f
> install I ran "dist-upgrade" and it showed the 11 updates, couple of
> them said "libsystemlogin0" and "libsystemdaemon0" . . . so I had high
> hopes . . . but, no, same problem with login in.
> I ran a couple of different variations of the fuser command, not
> knowing which place had a space and which was strung together . . .
> when I strung the "vki/var/lib" with no space there was some error
> text showing me the various options . . . with "fuser: Invalid option
> /" . . . . ran that a couple different ways . . . nothing was "said"
> by APT.
> Tried also to "mv ~/.dbus " . . . rebooted . . . problem remains, I'm
> typing this in a Guest session . . . . Reminder, this is Lu 14.04 for
> PPC . . . . Any other ideas? Only thing I haven't tried is the mv
> .cache . . . trying to avoid having to manually copy stuff back into a
> file . . . should I try "recovery" again??
> F
Hi Fritz,
It might be worth trying to add a new user.
Check if the new user has the same issues.
If the new user does not have any issue, you can of course simply
migrate your configurations to that account. And also it will mean
there is some sort of issue.
Moving the .cache wouldn't hurt. As long as you move it (instead of
remove). You can always copy it back again.
If you create a new user you can systematically go through all your .
(dot) files and find the problem if you are really interested in
discovering the actual issue. Then you can diff the two files and find
out what is the issue. But of course simply having a working user
(other than guest) would be the goal :)
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:43:17 +0000
From: Rafael Laguna <rafaellaguna at>
To: Jean <jean_cartier at>, Ali Linx <ali.linux at>,
"lubuntu-users at" <lubuntu-users at>
Subject: Re: donate
<CAC190GU9M_Ui=Jek_WRjDBQxaUCn2xa3UJ2XoUmprbfdqiGZpA at>
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Jean, your wiki still not working. Anyway, I'll need your help soon, for
translating this poster
See you in IRC very soon (if this f**king jobn lets me).
On Fri Nov 21 2014 at 17:14:37 Jean <jean_cartier at> wrote:
> Ok, that's my launchpad account.
> This is the first time I will translate (I've already done some artworks
> for several tools like Q-DVD-Author). So the team will have to guide me...
> Ok for
> See ya later on #philw (I'm already introduce in this channel).
> Le Vendredi 21 novembre 2014 15h50, Rafael Laguna <
> rafaellaguna at> a ?crit :
> Okay, I need you to have a Launchpad user and a Ubuntu personal wiki
> (usually the same user name).
> Something like:
> I think you maight be this:, don't
> you?
> You're now part of the Global Team. From now you can keep contact with in
> many ways: from mailing lists (here), directly to me, or using a freenode
> channel named #phillw (Phill, let me introduce him, to the channel), a free
> and distro-agnostic channel where everybody say what they think. Anyway
> we're mainly focused in Lubuntu.
> Almost done, but welcome aboard!
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 12:49:07 +0200
From: Steven Duckworth <literati69 at>
To: lubuntu user list <lubuntu-users at>
Subject: Deleting old/unused files
<CAJZNep2S0sHpT=MjfrW4xYeV_3Aq+pekLW667B0bQHSDsOa5Yg at>
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I am currently using a Fujitsu Siemens Intel Celeron M laptop with 40GB
onboard memory (my PC motherboard recently burnt out), and was wondering as
to the safest way to delete old or unwanted files in Synaptic Package
My hard-drive space is very limited so to be able to keep it uncluttered
would be a bonus!
I did read an article on the net some time back, but thought it best to
check with the Lubuntu tech team.[?]
Thanks in advance,
Steven Duckworth
South Africa
[image: web button 125x50.png]
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Message: 5
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:51:15 +0100
From: Leszek Lesner <leszek.lesner at>
To: lubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Deleting old/unused files
Message-ID: <6647993.JjfsRd4BUt at neptune>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Am Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014, 12:49:07 schrieb Steven Duckworth:
> Hi,
> I am currently using a Fujitsu Siemens Intel Celeron M laptop with 40GB
> onboard memory (my PC motherboard recently burnt out), and was wondering as
> to the safest way to delete old or unwanted files in Synaptic Package
> Manager.
> ...
For cleaning the cache of the packagemanager the terminal command
sudo apt-get clean
should help.
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:46:42 +0000
From: Rafael Laguna <rafaellaguna at>
To: Leszek Lesner <leszek.lesner at>,
lubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Deleting old/unused files
<CAC190GX576biRKjUWZJ+Okhk7AFa5SWE-oD3AjksNBXabd4qRA at>
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Or you could use the BleachBit tool (available in the repos) for an
extensive cleaning.
Nice sticker / button, btw ;)
On Wed Dec 03 2014 at 11:51:34 Leszek Lesner <leszek.lesner at> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014, 12:49:07 schrieb Steven Duckworth:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am currently using a Fujitsu Siemens Intel Celeron M laptop with 40GB
> > onboard memory (my PC motherboard recently burnt out), and was wondering
> as
> > to the safest way to delete old or unwanted files in Synaptic Package
> > Manager.
> >
> > ...
> >
> For cleaning the cache of the packagemanager the terminal command
> sudo apt-get clean
> should help.
> Greetings
> Leszek
> --
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