Testing report: Did the 14.04 upgrade . . . how do I fix it?

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Sun Aug 31 01:19:54 UTC 2014


Ah yeah . . . I'm ready to join the hackers society . . . well obviously
it's a minor accomplishment, but, in the process I did finally look into
using the command line to move files around, so that was a learning
experience . . . .  Just don't have the time to spend trying to get the
configured xorg.conf worked out.  So, in that sense it is like "finding
treasure" on the internet and uh, "using it" . . . .  If I could just get
the fan to stop blowing all of the time, that might be the next "rainy day"
project for the iBook . . . .  Saw something in apt while doing the
"install hardinfo gist clipit"  downloads for the QA tracker showing
something about "lmtools" and something else that looked like "fancontrol"
in "suggested downloads" . . . but the process of getting the QA thing and
bug report number was not going well, so I didn't do the fan thing.  Today,
running "update/upgrade" showed "0" . . . everything up to date . . . no

Anyway, for now 14.04 is "OK" . . . .

F /e.e.p.

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Israel <israeldahl at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi Fritz,
> Hurray!!
> Glad you found the right xorg.conf... it is kinda like finding buried
> treasure or winning a marathon when you finally get something major hacked
> into working order :)
> Congratulations!!
> On 08/30/2014 07:58 PM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
>   @Israel:
>  After some time spent fiddling around trying to do it the hard way, I
> decided to take your suggestion and just "borrow" the xorg.conf file from
> be.linux . . . and seem to have "gotten lucky" on my first choice . . . so
> 14.04 is working better on the iBook.
>  Only pointers . .. the "sudo mv ~/Downloads/filename"  gambit did not
> work . . . found a thread online on the wget material . . . using first the
> "sudo wget" line followed by  "sudo mv ibook7.txt /etc/X11/xorg.conf" . . .
> and then full tilt boogie "sudo reboot" . . . got the lightdm login window
> working.  Doing the TTY "sudo lightdm restart" got me into a "twilight
> zone" of weirdness . . . the reboot brought seemingly most of the GUI
> back.  Now I could read all of the "14.04 has experienced a problem" error
> windows that have been opening every time I've logged in in the last week,
> etc.
>  Haven't tested "suspend" yet . . . that will be the deal maker or breaker
> for staying with 14.04 or falling back to 12.04 . . . .
>  Thanks for the helpful suggestions . . . "easy is good."
>  F/ e.e.p.
> --
> Regards
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