Creating a desktop shortcut

Nik Th nikth at
Wed Sep 18 21:24:51 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
From: John Hupp
Sent: 09/18/13 11:19 PM
To: Lubuntu Users
Subject: Creating a desktop shortcut

I want to create a desktop shortcut for a command that I ordinarily run in an lxterm window thus: sudo ltsp-update-image --cleanup / I tried a standard desktop shortcut with the relevant line: Exec=sudo ltsp-update-image --cleanup / but running the shortcut produces no results. I also tried modifying that to: Exec=gksudo ltsp-update-image --cleanup / But likewise running that produces no results. ----------------------------------------------- I also tried creating a bash script with the contents: #!/bin/bash sudo ltsp-update-image --cleanup / And alternatively with line 2: gksudo ltsp-update-image --cleanup / and simply also with line 2: ltsp-update-image --cleanup / Trying to run any of those versions, it prompts to Execute or to Execute in Terminal, but none of those choices runs the update program or even prompts for a password. What am I doing wrong? 
Tell to the system that this is an application .desktop file. Take as an example the contents of one file inside /usr/share/applications/ . Also you have to invoke an lxterminal in order to execute the command
Try this
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=update ltsp
Exec=lxterminal --command="sudo ltsp-update-image --cleanup /"
save above contents in a .desktop file, eg: update-ltsp.desktop

You can either save the file inside /usr/share/applications/ (global = root privileges needed for saving) or .local/share/applications/ (only for you, no root privileges needed). If the .local/share/applications/ path does not exist, create it.

For easy of use, you can add a path to the Icon= , of an icon either .jpeg or .png . (64x64)


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