help with version of lubuntu

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sat Nov 30 14:29:23 UTC 2013

2013-11-30 13:56, Maurice Strik skrev:
> Hi,
> I have a AMD Athlon 64 3200+  2 GHz from the year 2006. This was delivered with windows xp but because xp support will stop next year i'm looking for an alternative because the desktop is still very good and i don't want to buy a new one. I think ubuntu (lubuntu) is a good alternative for me, but i'm not familiar with ubuntu so i don't know which version i should take (lubuntu)
> Can someone help me?
> Kind regards,
> Maurice

I think you can start trying Lubuntu 13.10. I have two computers with
Athlon, the Athlon XP is slower, and the Athlon 64 4400+ is faster. Both
run with Lubuntu 13.10.

I think it might be more complicated if you have bad luck with the
graphics card (some work well, some not so well with linux). Some old
graphics cards work better with Xubuntu 12.04 LTS than with the current

So come back and specify your graphics chip/card :-)

Best regards

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