Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 upload

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 10:39:47 UTC 2013

Hi Federico and Phill,

I'm confirming that Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 is uploaded to phillw.net and to
my google drive. The documentation is also modified to include the new
Hi everybody,

The following tarballs for the One Button Installer are created and
shared by Federico.


There are already tarballs with Lubuntu 13.10

You find them at


and documentation at


Best regards

2013-11-25 16:05, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> Federico: Downloaded and checked md5sum :-)
> Phill: Soon there will be another tarball at your website :-)
> Best regards/Nio
> 2013-11-25 15:56, Nio Wiklund skrev:
>> Yes, I see it now :-)
>> I don't know, maybe there was some delay between Google's servers. I'll
>> let you know when it's downloaded and checked (as usual).
>> Best regards/Nio
>> 2013-11-25 15:52, Federico Leoni skrev:
>>> No, same drive and is here... I can see it.
>>> F.
>>> Em 25/11/2013 12:51, "Nio Wiklund" <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>>>     Yes :-)
>>>     After one and a half hour it's still not uploaded. The network is slow
>>>     today. Or did you upload it to another web address than the other
>>>     tarballs?
>>>     Best regards
>>>     Nio
>>>     2013-11-25 14:12, Federico Leoni skrev:
>>>     > Is a collaborative project, let collaborate then! :)
>>>     >
>>>     > I'm uploading the new 13.10 gnome right now.
>>>     >
>>>     > fb9dfd37e705b86c35ab977276746642  Ubuntu_Gnome_13.10oem-nov25.tar.xz
>>>     >
>>>     > F.
>>>     >
>>>     > 2013/11/25 Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>>:
>>>     >> Great Federico,
>>>     >>
>>>     >> Not only are you doing the job, you also teach me how to do such
>>>     tweaks
>>>     >> afterwards :-)
>>>     >>
>>>     >> Well, Gnome Shell feels a little awkward. The new Nautilus is really
>>>     >> stripped down to something much below what Nautilus used to be,
>>>     at least
>>>     >> in the way it is implemented in Gnome Shell. Fortunately there are
>>>     >> better alternatives, for example Xubuntu.
>>>     >>
>>>     >> I'm not sure if Ali fell in love with the the Ubuntu Gnome itself or
>>>     >> with its community ;-)
>>>     >>
>>>     >> Best regards
>>>     >> Nio
>>>     >>
>>>     >> 2013-11-25 12:00, Federico Leoni skrev:
>>>     >>> Ok. Didn't find a "flag" for backing to oem stage 1...
>>>     >>> I installed the package entering on recovery mode, then I ran again
>>>     >>> oem-config-prepare.
>>>     >>> I'm making the new tarball right now. I'll send a message when
>>>     is up.
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> Anyway I hate gnome shell. I don't understand how Ali was falling in
>>>     >>> love with it!
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> F.
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> 2013/11/25 Federico Leoni <effelle at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:effelle at gmail.com>>:
>>>     >>>> Let me see what I can do otherwise I'll create te tarball again
>>>     with the
>>>     >>>> package.
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> F.
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Em 25/11/2013 06:42, "Nio Wiklund" <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>> On 2013-11-25 06:35, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>>     >>>>>> On 2013-11-25 06:08, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>>     >>>>>>> On 2013-11-25 01:48, Federico Leoni wrote:
>>>     >>>>>>>> Nio,
>>>     >>>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>>> I'm uploading the tarball right now.
>>>     >>>>>>>> Stock oem up to date, I use just ubuntu-tweak to clean up
>>>     (120mb!)
>>>     >>>>>>>> then I removed it before making the tarball.
>>>     >>>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>>> Did you already clean ubuntu and xubuntu install?
>>>     >>>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>>> F.
>>>     >>>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>> Hi Federico,
>>>     >>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>> No I did not. First I asked you about it because I did not
>>>     want to do
>>>     >>>>>>> something that you had already done.
>>>     >>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>> I will start downloading your Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 tarball,
>>>     and I'll let
>>>     >>>>>>> you know when it is checked (with md5sum).
>>>     >>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>>> Best regards
>>>     >>>>>>> Nio
>>>     >>>>>>>
>>>     >>>>>> Hi,
>>>     >>>>>> Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 is downloaded and checked :-)
>>>     >>>>>> Best regards/Nio
>>>     >>>>>>
>>>     >>>>> Hi again,
>>>     >>>>>
>>>     >>>>> Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 works rather well in my Toshiba with Intel
>>>     i5 and
>>>     >>>>> Intel built-in graphics and 4 GB RAM.. Quite fancy desktop,
>>>     inspired by
>>>     >>>>> Windows 8 :-P
>>>     >>>>>
>>>     >>>>> Unfortunately the fancy things cost. I had expected Ubuntu
>>>     Gnome to be
>>>     >>>>> lighter than standard Ubuntu with Unity, but I could not play
>>>     1080-50p
>>>     >>>>> HD video (from the MTS file of my video camera) and there were
>>>     issues
>>>     >>>>> (tearing) playing 720-50p HD video in this new and fairly powerful
>>>     >>>>> computer. But with reduced resolution there were no issues. (I had
>>>     >>>>> installed Ubuntu-restricted-extras). Maybe it will help to
>>>     install a
>>>     >>>>> lighter player like mplayer 2.
>>>     >>>>>
>>>     >>>>> *. I could not install a complete Swedish language pack with the
>>>     >>>>> built-in app for language and keyboard. I had to install a
>>>     separate
>>>     >>>>> package with
>>>     >>>>>
>>>     >>>>> sudo apt-get install language-selector-gnome
>>>     >>>>>
>>>     >>>>> Is there a way to install it for the tarball without going
>>>     back to the
>>>     >>>>> stage with OEM-user? I'm asking because I think we should
>>>     really have it
>>>     >>>>> preinstalled. Otherwise it will be frustrating for non-English end
>>>     >>>>> users. Will you do it, or should I do it myself? If I do it,
>>>     please tell
>>>     >>>>> me what you have installed (more than Ubuntu Tweak)!
>>>     >>>>>
>>>     >>>>> Best regards
>>>     >>>>> Nio
>>>     >>

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