Roadmap for 14.04
Iberê Fernandes
ibere.fernandes at
Sat Nov 23 01:48:27 UTC 2013
2013/11/22 David Yentzen <dbyentzen at>:
> Hi Julien
> Thanks for your detailed email. I understand there is not enough
> infrastructure currently to support training, mentoring, and performing many
> changes prior to 14.04 roll out. I am mostly concerned with the future
> development of our community. Since I am not only new to Lubuntu( and Linux)
> but also have no computer background( all biological sciences and economics
> here), I rely on your opinion and input. Are there any steps, you know of,
> that we as a community can take now to attract and promote the technical
> human power we need for a growing future?
> Sincerely,
> David Yentzen
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Dale Visser <dale.visser at> wrote:
>> I've been quite busy with family stuff and work today, but thanks for the
>> replies. I'll take a look over at Lubuntu Software Center, and see if there
>> are any issues I could see myself tackling. I've never used Bazaar or the
>> Launchpad issue trackers, so there will be some learning curve involved.
>> Best regards,
>> Dale
>> Sent from my Windows Phone
>> ________________________________
>> From: Jackson Doak
>> Sent: 11/19/2013 2:01 PM
>> To: Aere Greenway
>> Cc: lubuntu user list
>> Subject: Re: Roadmap for 14.04
>> dale: I'm not sure what lubuntu specific stuff is java, maybe just find
>> some general bugs. As mentioned above, the lubuntu software centre is
>> python, so any bugfixes for that would be great
>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:45 AM, Aere Greenway <Aere at>
>> wrote:
>>> On 11/19/2013 03:08 AM, Julien Lavergne wrote:
>>> 2013/11/18 Iberê Fernandes <ibere.fernandes at>
>>>> Regarding:
>>>> > Since the next release is a “all-you-can-fix” roadmap, maintaining it
>>>> > will
>>>> > be IMO a waste of time. If you want to work on something specific,
>>>> > talk to
>>>> > me by mail or IRC (gilir on #lubuntu).
>>>> I agree it'll be a waste of time if we may be moving to LXQt on 14.10
>>>> cycle.
>>>> Hence, does 14.04 has to remain LTS yet? I mean, should we drop the
>>>> LTS idea for 14.04 once:
>>>> - LXDE is dying;
>>>> - we're missing devs and LTS would demand support together with the
>>>> non-LTS releases.
>>>> - LXQt seems to be not ready for 14.04
>>> I'm not sure it will be quite ready for 14.10 either (we have to change
>>> all the GTK applications to Qt version, it's quite a lot of work to test the
>>> integration of all of them). But with a 14.04 LTS, we can release a
>>> "not-so-stable-and-finished" 14.10 Qt version, because we still can advise
>>> people to keep 14.04. The goal also, is to focus on maintaining the LTS
>>> version, and development the Qt version until it's stable enough to
>>> completely switch to it. That should make the maintenance possible (1
>>> version to maintain, 1 to develop).
>>> Regards,
>>> Julien Lavergne
>>> Julien:
>>> This approach makes good sense to me. I agree, for what it's worth.
>>> --
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Aere
>>> --
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Julien is not dealing with governance anymore since sometime in
2012... that's why it'd be nice to have a Release Manager to do (or
sort of do) the governance thing.
So Julien is focused on development.
Have you ever read The Art of Community, by Jono Bacon (Ubuntu
Community Manager)?
The 2nd edition is availalbe (free) at
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