Another Autostart problem: SpiderOak backup

John Hupp lubuntu at
Mon Nov 18 20:09:54 UTC 2013

On 10/28/2013 1:36 PM, John Hupp wrote:
> I'm running Spideroak just fine on a 13.04 machine.
> However, in a fresh installation of 13.10 Spideroak does not autostart.
> I see that Spideroak's intended launch point is 
> ~/.config/autostart/SpiderOak.desktop, and that shortcut is present.
> In the current thread with subject ".config/autostart" there was a 
> reference to Leszek Lesner's 2011 video re Autostart: 
> <>
> That video includes coverage of Preferences > Desktop Session 
> Settings, but I don't have that menu item in my fresh full install of 
> 13.10.  Is this a bug, or is the functionality of Desktop Session 
> Settings now supposed to be provided via Preferences > Default 
> Applications for LXSession?
> --------------------
> Another question -- I find these two folders:
> /etc/xdg/autostart (a global autostart location)
> ~/.config/autostart (a local autostart location)
> But also these two files:
> /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
> ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
> Are the latter two files for a deprecated but still supported 
> autostart method?  Is there nice documentation somewhere for current 
> autostart methods?

Julien's post from earlier today (Subject: 'Back on 13.10 release') gave 
me enough information to get SpiderOak running.  The problem was with 
lxsession and its 13.10 default setting of 
'disable_autostart=config-only.'  Setting that to 'disable_autostart=no' 
restores per-app control of autostarts, much like the functionality 
previously provided by lxsession-edit, which has been removed from 13.10.

I have at least a couple other problems/questions that are related, but 
I'll post separately for those.
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