Back on 13.10 release
Ali Linx (amjjawad)
amjjawad at
Mon Nov 18 10:37:12 UTC 2013
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Julien Lavergne <gilir at> wrote:
> Hi,
Salut Julien,
Comment allez-vous?
> I realize that there are some items from 13.10 that was not really
> advertised before the release. As «very very very late» is still better
> than «never»,
> this is some explanations :
> - 13.10 was suppose to be a first step to 14.04. Initially, we were unsure
> to be able to release something due to many factors. We finished by
> releasing something, but far from our previous level of polishing. One of
> the main cause is my « no availability », letting phillw and the testing
> team sometimes very alone :-/ That's was one of my fear before this cycle,
> and unfortunately it was confirmed too late.
> We introduced some changes that was not well advertised :
> - Change in autostart applications : all applications in /etc/xdg and
> .config/autostart/ was disable by default. That's was a design decision to
> reduce the number of applications launching randomly. It was replaced by an
> application to define more clearly what applications you want to start by
> default (with lxsession-default-app). With some feedbacks, I think it was a
> bad idea, it confused too much people. So, I turned this off by default
> upstream, and I'll also do it in Lubuntu in 14.04. That was also the goal
> of 13.10, doing experimentations.
> If you want to turn it off now manually, go to lxsession-default-app =>
> Autostart => Set « no » to « Disable autostarted applications ? »
> - Remove lxsession-edit
> It was also replaced by lxsession-default-app, all the functionalities are
> now in lxsession-default-app => Autostart, but also if you set « no »to
> « Disable autostarted applications ? »
> - Use lightdm to lock the screen
> The goal was to removed the need of xscreensaver, reducing by 1 the number
> of daemon by default. However, it was an unfinished work, which was
> forgotten, and released. I'm going to remove this, and turn on xscreensaver
> when you want to lock the screen. For 14.04, using light-locker will
> probably be the best solution.
> - Removing lxkeymap, and only use the panel applet
> To avoid previous problems with the interaction between lxkeymap and the
> panel applet, lxkeymap was removed so you only have 1 place to configure
> keymap.
> As a side note, most of the changes was done on lxsession, you can also
> find documentation on it on
> So, what conclusion to all of this ? Clearly, we were too ambitious for
> this release. Enable zram by default already generated too much problems
> for us to handle, so others changes was not properly advertised / tested …
> It's not a complain about people, I think I'm the main responsible of this
> mess, but we have to learn about this.
> I hope I clarify some situations about the 13.10, if you have any concerns
> on the actual release, feel free to answer this mail.
I'd like personally to thank you for this email. It is a very positive
needed step. Mecri beaucoup!
> About the future, I'm going to send another mail.
Let's learn from the past and plan for a better future :)
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne
> --
Have a nice day!
Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <>
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