[Lubuntu-qa] [Lubuntu-brainstorming] [Proposal] LCC (Lubuntu Community Council)

Iberê Fernandes ibere.fernandes at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 16:03:19 UTC 2013

2013/11/16 Iberê Fernandes <ibere.fernandes at gmail.com>:
> 2013/11/16 NikTh <nikth at linuxmail.org>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Le 16 nov. 2013 à 03:02, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at PhillW.net> a écrit :
>>> Just my thoughts...
>>> I hate 'councils' with a passion. I also hate the badge of 'team
>>> leader' for the sub-groups. All any team requires is an admin
>>> person who looks after the day to day 'paper work'. The lubunteers
>>> do the work and chat to each other all the time. I fail to see how
>>> a 'council' would help in any way and also feel it would drive
>>> people away. Let me just remind you of a 'rule' of freenode which
>>> is about catalysts.....
>>> http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml
>>> I broke that, and resigned from my positions; but I do ask that you
>>> consider this...
>>> ... not through the use of authority and special privilege, ....
>>> When ubuntu-beginners created a council, it was the death, UBT no
>>> longer exists.
>>> So, other lubunteers, please think long and hard about raising a
>>> 'council'; IMHO, it is a really bad idea and even though I have
>>> stepped down from 'official' stuff... I wanted to let you know my
>>> thoughts.
>>> My kindest regards,
>>> Phill.
>> I completely agree. No councils are needed, no chiefs or Leaders or
>> any restricting rules and guides that someone Must follow.
>> Just collaboration, more communication and common sense are enough.
>> - --NikTh--
> [snip]
> +1 for no councils, no chiefs.
> +1 for the catalyst idea.
> I believe almost everybody has already signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct
> and that's pretty enough.
> Maybe all we need is a real Leader or real Leaders, I mean, people
> working as volunteers and getting things done as expected.
> We do not need a Leader/Leaders just wearing the Leader badge.
> Yes, I agree with the catalyst idea:
> The "catalyst" role is critical to freenode and an essential building
> block of channels. No one is required to be a catalyst, but the users
> who perform this role ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of
> the network.
> Regarding governance, if we read the Lubuntu logs (list logs, meeting
> logs), from time to time I can see that Lubuntu community has the
> ability to torn itself and start confrontation due to
> miscommunication.
> Again, the catalysts idea would apply:
> Catalysts try to resolve problems, not through the use of authority
> and special privilege, but by fostering consensus, gently nudging
> participants in the direction of more appropriate behavior and by
> generally reducing the level of confrontation rather than confronting
> users with problems.
> And the main characteristics of the catalysts I'd like to emphasize:
> Relaxed.
> Open-minded.
> Responsible.
> Unobtrusive.
> Realistic.
> Careful.
> Attentive.
> Minimalist.
> Courteous.
> Cooperative.
> Someone with an internal locus of control.
> A user.
> Description of those characteristics are on the link below... and I
> believe all of them below apply to us.
> http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml
> --
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ibere-Fernandes

adding some other teams once I've just realized the reply went to
NikTh and lubuntu-qa only. Sorry.


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