Lubuntu Communications: Social Media Cleaning Project

Iberê Fernandes ibere.fernandes at
Tue Nov 12 18:30:03 UTC 2013

Hi there,

I'm Iberê, I'm your new social media admin.

Once Linux is about meritocracy, I'm proud to thank you for having me
as your social media admin.

Besides meritocracy, it's also important to share experience and why I
think I can help Lubuntu at social media.

I have an experience of almost 10 years as a former Web Surfer,
Product Manager, Project Manager and Community Manager (may vary
according to my career evolution) of products such as Yahoo!
Directory, Yahoo! Search, Flickr, Yahoo! Answers, Yahoo! Groups,
Yahoo! Mail, GeoCities, Yahoo! Bookmarks, Delicious, Yahoo! Profiles,
Yahoo! Videos and some others I don't remember now. :-) My main
expertise are to deal with i18n, l10n, testing/QA, and product

Now to the social media cleaning project.

In a simple image:

Once we have too many official social media channels (12 if I did not
miss any) and so few headcount to admin those channels, I propose to
*focus* on the main project: Lubuntu, official lightweight Ubuntu
flavor. Let's test it and guarantee that 14.04 is our first rock solid

@Ali, please, tell us if I miss any Lubuntu official social media channels.

And now how to promote Lubuntu and keep focus on fewer channels. (or
the not so simple version)

Yes, it's important to keep Lubuntu on social media, but it's even
more important to keep our social media channels updated and relevant
to Lubuntu.

Why Lubuntu needs social media?
Official announcements, showcase, publish how-tos, tricks/tips,
recruitment of testers and anyone who might want to help build
Lubuntu. Social media channels are the places where Lubuntu Team
shares its identity and develop relationship with Lubuntu users.
Sharing, making conversations, help to find the appropriate support
channels (wikis, forums, irc channel).

What are the the top social media channels according to google search?


: be careful once it's from 2012


>From the above, what are the relevant social media channels to
Lubuntu? By relevant I mean: what are the channels worth to promote
Lubuntu and get more users downloading and using Lubuntu as a Windows
alternative. Keep in mind these questions when reading the rest of
this e-mail.

>From my view, Facebook, Google Plus, maybe Twitter.

Are teenagers relevant to Lubuntu? Yes.

Are they prone to run old computers? No, they're the "touch generation".

Should we open more social media channels such as LinkedIn, MySpace,
Pinterest, Instagram? I do not think so. If you think so, share with
us and let us know who will admin the proposed channels, what's the
strategy for the new channels.

So if Lubuntu Team is thinking about opening new official social media
channels, please, before opening new channels, let's discuss:

I) who'll manage the channel;

II) would the proposed content fit in an existing channel?

III) is the new social media channel relevant on the Internet to
attract new users to Lubuntu as a Windows alternative?

IV) is the new social media channel relevant to recruit Lubuntu team

Should we kill some of the official social channels? (full list in the
next topic)
>From my view, let's kill the following (or not keep as official
channels  if the ones running a given channel decides to keep running

5) : 558 followers. 58 tweets. We
have control on that channel.  Besides, the channel has not been

6) : 379 readers. Should stay as
personal project, not official.

7) 106 subscriptions. We have
control on that channel. Should stay as personal project, not
official. Or kill it.

10) 999 likes. Not an active sub-project.

11) : 239
followers. Not an active sub-project.

12) : Not an active sub-project.

The full list of Official Lubuntu Communications channels:

1) : we do not know who's in charge of that blog.
Ali's trying to communicate with the owner. Seems to be relevant
according to google search and distrowatch:

2) : Rafael Laguna (Lubuntu
artwork Team Leader) personal blog. Will it become and official
channel or keep as a personal blog? @Rafael, please, we need your

3) : 82681 Facebook
users like this. We have control on that channel.  Keep this channel.
Lots of likes/followers. Work as official announcements.

: 3795 G+ users are following that page. We have control on that
channel. Work as official announcements.

5) : 558 followers. 58 tweets. We
have control on that channel.

6) : 379 readers.

7) 106 subscriptions. We have
control on that channel.

There're more:

8) : Official group
at Facebook. 800 members. Keep this channel. Lots of likes/followers.
Used for showcase, Lubuntu tips/tricks, redirect users to the correct
support channels.

9) : 572
members. The same use as #7.

And there're even more:

10) 999 likes. Sub-project of
Lubuntu Communications.

11) : 239
followers. Sub-project of Lubuntu Communications.

12) : not an active channel.
Sub-project of Lubuntu Communications.
@David Yentzen <dbyentzen at> wants to take care of that
channel since november 2nd. However nothing has changed on the blog.
@David, we need your confirmation, otherwise, closing channel.

13) :
Leslek personal screencasts on Lubuntu. Although it's kind of old,
there're still some good info on those screencasts. Check the views of
each of them. Should stay as personal project unless Leslek would like
to become our official You Tube channel.
@Leslek, we need your input.

Once this e-mail is too long, I think 10 days (november 22nd) are ok
until everybody insterested replies.

Best regards,


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