Fwd: Re: How to Change From SNA to UXA Acceleration Methods

Federico Leoni effelle at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 12:11:21 UTC 2013

2013/11/8 NikTh <nikth76 at yandex.com>:
> On 08/11/2013 05:30 πμ, Lee Gold wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013, at 06:33 PM, NikTh wrote:
>>> Try to use a delay option in rc.local , like below two lines.
>>> (sleep 3; service lightdm stop) &
>>> (sleep 2; service lightdm start) &
>>> No sudo is needed here , as rc.local is executed always as root. The
>>> ampersand symbol is not actually needed, but it helps sometimes.
>>> The restart option in lightdm is a "painful" for the system method. It
>>> would be better to use the commands above to stop and then start it
>>> again.
>>> Regards
>>> NikTh
>> Hi,
>> Unfortunately it did not work. It hung after the lightdm stop it seemed.
>> So I did
>> sleep 3
>> service lightdm stop
>> sleep 2
>> service lightdm start
>> and it seemed to go through the commands in rc.local but the same result
>> as a boot with the xorg.conf discussed added in /etc/X11. happened - no
>> difference..
>> -----
> I cannot think another workaround right now. It seems like the X wants
> first to render the screen and then stop  and restart. Weird.
> Can you try the nomodeset parameter in kernel through grub and see if
> that helps ?
> Here is how
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132
> Regards
>  NikTh
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to prevent lightdm to start you can override it

echo "manual" | sudo tee -a /etc/init/lightdm.override

put your user and pass and start  the service manually

sudo start lightdm

If it works fine then you can put it on your rc.local without sudo.

To revert to the normal behavior simply remove the lightdm.override.


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