LX Games and Lubuntu Nexus 7 Session

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Thu May 23 10:35:27 UTC 2013

On 22/05/13 21:05, Julien Lavergne wrote:
> 2013/5/21 Yorvyk <yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com>:
>>  From a question during Phill's session in the classroom. Lubuntu Nexus 7
>> Session is obvious but what is the LX Games session for?
> It's a session with a menu structure with only games categories. It's
> also very close to the neetbook for the interface. Someone was
> interested to work on this sort of remix of Lubuntu, so I just make it
> available for anyone. Install as many games you want, and you can
> transform any computer in a free game console :-)
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne
Interesting idea


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