offline help / documents

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at
Wed May 15 11:58:25 UTC 2013

On 15/05/13 01:06, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi,
> it was a good meeting, the major work items are at
> the task for me is the offline docs. I request that people interested in
> this area make them selves known on the new sub-sections of
> so we can gauge how
> many are committed to help. As Julien said in the meeting, the last
> thing we need is two 'off-line' areas partly done instead of one fully done.
> Please take comments / questions etc. to the lubuntu-wiki-docs[1]
> mailing list. If you are interested, please do join!
> @ JasonO, I hope I covered most of the stuff you wanted doing.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> 1.
> --
Sadly I missed the meeting as we had a power glitch here which killed 
the modem/router and corrupted the drives.
Anybody know if the hangout is archived somewhere?


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