
Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Mon May 6 08:44:09 UTC 2013

Hello all Lubuntu lovers,

Now there are three methods to make the new Ubuntu family 32-bit pae
kernels available for Pentium M, that have pae capability, but do not
show the pae flag.

1. Mörgæs's method to start from the Ubuntu 12.04 non-pae mini-iso file

A variant of this method is that people who have
- more or less personalized versions of Lubuntu 12.04 running, or
- already have a Lubuntu 12.04 iso file and a slow internet connection
use fake-pae to upgrade to 12.10 and/or 13.04.

*. Lubuntu-13.04-fake-PAE

The idea is to make it easier for people who want to go directly into a
new version of Lubuntu. This is a good alternative for a fresh install
(instead of downloading 12.04 and upgrading twice to newer releases).

Right now the software (images to download and README files) resides on
my google drive, but once it is tested by a few more people, Phill
Whiteside can host it on his web-site. Only two persons have tested it
(one person except myself), and I ask you for help.

A. Please test if the installation process works, and that the README
texts work, even if you have no laptop with Pentium M. I need feedback
from you to improve the instructions, so that the installation will work
also for people who are not so experienced with terminal window commands.

B. If you have no time to test an installation, please read the README
files at the google drive site, and suggest improvments to make it
better! Any suggestions are welcome, general ones that make it easier to
follow, added text, changed text, improved English grammar (I am
Swedish, and there might be some Swenglish phrases, that should be
changed). Also tell me which method you prefer 'grub-n-iso' or
'installed system', and why :-)

2. 'grub-n-iso'

Similar to normal installation (via 1GB or 2GB USB drive)
No upgrading between versions is necessary
Full flexibility, for example to make a dual boot system

You do not get a complete worḱing operating system directly
You need to install fake-pae using 7bit's ppa after the installation
It uses the desktop iso file, while the alternate iso file can install
to systems with lower RAM.

Warning: This Lubuntu Raring 'grub-n-iso’ system is not intended to run
with non-pae CPUs, it is only intended for Pentium M, that have pae
capability but no pae flag. I take no responsibility for any damage,
that this software can cause.

Backup all personal data before trying this method.

Use it only for computers with old Pentium M CPUs without the pae flag
(mainly if not only laptops)!

Check very carefully which drive is the USB drive, to use as the
‘grub-n-iso’ or ‘grub-n-iso-n-swap’ USB boot drive. Double check and
triple check, because dd will overwrite the drive and if you write to a
drive with unique data, there is no way to get them back.

The ‘grub-n-iso’ system should work well with 1 GB RAM or more, maybe
with 768 MB. The ‘grub-n-iso-n-swap’ system can install will less RAM,
because the swap can relieve some peaks in memory usage. It depends on
the computer specs (not only RAM, also graphics chip and other devices,
that use memory) if it will work, but I guess you can to install with
512 GB RAM. My guess is based on tests in VirtualBox. If you have less
RAM, I suggest that you use another method, either the
Lubuntu-13.04-fake-PAE install method 'installed system', or the method
by Mörgæs starting with Ubuntu non-pae 12.04 mini.iso, fake-pae, and
upgrading to
12.10 (and 13.04). See

3. Installed system

No live install CD/DVD/USB drive is used
No upgrading between versions is necessary
You get a complete worḱing operating system directly

It is a different way to install a system.
It installs into 16 GB (the first 16 GB of a drive)
It is easier to use 'grub-n-iso' for a dual boot system

This Lubuntu Raring 'installed system' can run with at least the later
Pentium M cpus. Right now it is on a USB 3 pendrive, installed from the
Lubuntu Raring desktop iso in a modern computer and tested in my IBM
Thinkpad T42 with Pentium M 1,7 GHz. It uses the fake-pae method of
7-bit @ubuntuforums to let the 32-bit pae kernel be updated with CPUs
without a pae flag.

I'm not sure if older Pentium M CPUs can run well with it. Check, that

cat /proc/cpuinfo

reports 36 bit physical address size!

Warning: This Lubuntu Raring 'installed system' is not intended to run
with non-pae CPUs, it is only intended for Pentium M, that have pae
capability but no pae flag. I take no responsibility for any damage,
that this software can cause.

*. Background

The Pentium M CPUs are a special case. They have pae capability, but do
not announce the pae flag. So they fall between the chairs. With the
fake-pae trick, introduced by 7bit @ ubuntuforums, it is possible to
upgrade. There are many high-quality professional laptops around with
Pentium M processors.

My Raring installation on a USB 3 pendrive runs beautifully on my old
Thinkpad with Pentium M without the pae flag. So the fake-pae flag helps
it sit on the pae chair.

This is what I am willing to offer to other Pentium M owners.

Best regards
Nio alias sudodus
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