[Lubuntu-qa] Slowness/Lag Problem - Facebook and Lubuntu 12.10

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Mon May 6 10:55:42 UTC 2013

Hello again my friend,

See comments inline!

Best regards

On 2013-05-06 11:49, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> Hi,
> I have sent an email two days ago about the same issue (Sub: Facebook &
> Gmail - Slowness Issue) and this email is MORE in depth about what is
> going on with me. This is more specific than the previous email.
> http://amjjawad.blogspot.com/2013/05/facebook-on-lubuntu-1210.html
> I'm sick and tired of using Facebook on this test machine. However,
> because this is a test machine and because I'd like to share everything
> with my beloved Lubuntu Community, I'm writing and sending this email to
> all of you :)

I still think the problem is too low RAM. Many web sites use a lot of
eye-candy, that consumes a lot of RAM (or if you haven't RAM it starts
swapping). Zram is a way to compress RAM, and get 'more space' in the
similar way as the old compressed drives 20 years ago. Finally, when
RAM, swap and zram is full, there is no way but the let the programs
exit or crash.

Or put it this way: Careless web designers add so much eye-candy, that
you need more RAM.

- Sometimes you can save some RAM by using Adblock Plus.

- Sometimes you can use Opera Turbo, where the servers at Opera will
reformat the web page to something with much smaller foot-print and
relay it to you. This was originally made to help people with slow
internet connections, but I think it also helps when RAM is low.

- Sometimes the web-site has special versions of its pages for mobile
phones, compare for example the RAM usage (and download speed) of the
following pages of a Swedish newpaper.


> I have explained everything on my post above and I'm using my blog
> because it is a great tool to host multiple screenshots and posting a
> link is much better and easier than posting many :)
> A friend of mine has suggested to use 'free' and 'top' because as he
> suggested that gnome-system-monitor is not always accurate. Well, I have
> compared the figures and they are the same. Except the terminal will
> show that in KBs while gnome-system-monitor will show it as MBs :)
> rather than that, they are the same figures.

I did not mean that 'gnome-system-monitor is not always accurate'.
I meant that gnome-system-monitor is not showing the whole truth. But
now you have double-checked with 'free', and seen the other memory data.
> What is going on with Failbook?
> As explained on my post on my blog, it is not about how many tabs you
> have opened. I'm now on 3 opened tabs, one of them is Gmail and
> everything is smooth as light as possible.
> Failbook is a nightmare. I don't want people/users to start question
> Lubuntu.
> The notes I have included, again, when zRAM was ON and SWAP OFF. Just a
> reminder :)
> Your thoughts are more than welcome :)
> Thanks!
> -- 
> *Best Regards,*
> *amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
> *Start Ubuntu
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>*

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