Problems Updating Lubuntu 12.04, 12.10, and 13.04 on Slow Machines

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at
Sun May 5 10:58:04 UTC 2013

On 05/05/13 00:12, Aere Greenway wrote:
> On 04/23/2013 06:10 AM, Yorvyk wrote:
>> On 13/04/13 18:28, Aere Greenway wrote:
>>> All:
>>> I have been observing a problem where on slow (450 megahertz) machines,
>>> the software updater window disappears, and the updates are applied in
>>> the background, with no notification of completion.
>>> Summary:
>>> On slow machines, the method of applying software updates is broken, and
>>> not something an ordinary user can deal with, or use with any real
>>> chance of success.
>>> If you can't update your system, then you system is not supported -
>>> despite what the website may claim.
>>> I have submitted a bug-report for this, but it has been declared
>>> "invalid" because my machine doesn't have a speed of 1 gigahertz, with 1
>>> gigabytes of RAM - despite the fact that I was using Lubuntu.
>>> Here is a link to the bug-report:
>>> Title: When applying software
>>> updates, updater window disappears
>> Have you tried Update-manager lately here seems to be some
>> improvements and it appears to be behaving as it should on both 12.10
>> and Raring Ringtail although there doesn't seem to be any patches
>> relating to this problem.
> The problem may be fixed in 12.10, but it has never yet worked in 13.04,
> and I will be going back to the manual update method, so I won't know if
> it gets fixed (unless they someday respond to the bug report).
I was beginning to think it may have some thing to do with the size of 
the upgrade, but this doesn't appear to be consistent either as a small 
upgrade this morning failed as did a larger one yesterday. I'm 
installing Ubuntu a machine currently running Lubuntu to see if it fails 
under Ubuntu as it does under Lubuntu.


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