[razor-qt] Keyboard/mouse configuration tool for LXDE, lxinput is ported to Qt.

Jerome Leclanche adys.wh at gmail.com
Sat May 4 20:27:07 UTC 2013

We actually need one of those in Razor. Could you pop in #razor-qt and ping
me? (Adys)

J. Leclanche

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 1:43 PM, PCMan <pcman.tw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Another Qt port of LXDE components is done.
> LXInput, the keyboard and mouse configuration tool of LXDE is ported to Qt.
> Since it's a quite simple program, I did it this afternoon.
> It keeps all of the features of the original Gtk+ version.
> The source code is online now:
> git clone git://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/lxde/lxinput-qt
> The config values are currently stored in lxsession config file as before.
> So, the saved config only works with lxsession for now.
> It's not hard to add support for others, but I'll do it later.
> For now, I deliberately made the Qt port looks and behaves the same as
> the original gtk+ one. Later we can improve it further.
> Cheers!
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