[Lubuntu-qa] Fwd: Changes in Ubuntu releases decided by the Ubuntu Technical Board

Lance lbsolost at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 29 20:29:38 UTC 2013

I didn't save Julien's response but he said it was being considered. I think 30 to 36 months is probably the maximum length of time we'd want to go, particularly since we're the only ones using Chromium as our default browser.

Let's just go with what the boss says ;^)


--- On Fri, 3/29/13, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-qa] Fwd: Changes in Ubuntu releases decided by the Ubuntu Technical Board
> To: "Lance" <lbsolost at yahoo.com>
> Cc: lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com, lubuntu-qa at lists.launchpad.net, "Phill Whiteside" <PhillW at Ubuntu.com>
> Date: Friday, March 29, 2013, 2:03 PM
> On 2013-03-20 08:07, Lance wrote:
> > 14.04 would be the next LTS so we might want to discuss
> the possibility of pursuing a 3 year (or 30 month) LTS at
> that time???
> Yes please :-)
> I'm sure you are aware of LXLE. I think it is ambitious
> (nice looking
> and working well). Will it be possible to keep it as secure
> and
> up-to-date as an official Ubuntu LTS flavour?

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