[Lubuntu 13.04] Results of Community Wallpaper Contest

Alexander Andjelkovic andjelkovic at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 18:35:37 UTC 2013

Hi list,

The results for our wallpapers contest are in, and can be viewed in
detail at [1], the winners are:

1. 'nature' by wakarii (80 Votes)
2. 'Frost Glas' by Tylana (74 Votes)
3. 'Simple. Fast. Lubuntu.' by Julian Fernandes (72 Votes)
4. 'Squares' by Ray O Sullivan (71 Votes)
5. 'Fish 2' by AmmarkoV (66 Votes)

Congratulations! I would like to remind the winners above that hasn't
sent their wallpapers to me, to do so (you've been contacted through

A big thank you goes to our friend Guillaume Le Roy at www.picomp.it
who once again helps us host our contest. Guillaume also told me that
other open source projects are welcome to use his service free of
charge, just contact him and he'll hook you up :).

[1]: http://picomp.it/contest/results/877/lubuntu-13-04-community-wallpaper-contest/

Alexander Andjelkovic

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