LXLE Release - might be of interest to some

mrwislr at hushmail.com mrwislr at hushmail.com
Sun Mar 10 18:54:12 UTC 2013

That was actually a typo, it was supposed to be 32/64 bit machine with
1 gig of ram.... trust me its runs very well and remains really light,
in the screenshots the task manager shows its using about 175 mb of
ram to run.

I'll fix the typo now.

On 03/10/2013 at 9:15 AM, "Julien Lavergne"  wrote:2013/3/10  :
> A Lubuntu 12.04 respin was recently released.

It's nice to see people building distribution with Lubuntu as base.
Sometimes, they may have some good ideas we can also implement.
However, when I see :

"Runs great on any 64bit PC with 1 GB ram."

I fear it's not as lightweight as we want on Lubuntu.

Julien Lavergne
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