ssh: Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for XXXX

Lars Noodén lars.nooden at
Fri Jun 28 10:42:50 UTC 2013

When trying to connect to the local host using ssh,


I get this error:

	Received disconnect from 2: Too many
	authentication failures for XXXX

It appears that for some reason Lubuntu's agent somehow arbitrarily
pulls in some keys and, despite not being asked to, tries to use them
for authentication and won't let me try the password.

If I list the keys in the agent (ssh-add -L) then it lists 7 public
keys, none of which I put there, none of which should be there.  If
anything there should be private keys in the agent.  If I remove the
keys (ssh-add -D) then they are still there when I check again.

Looking at the output for the server, it looks like it keeps trying keys
until the max limit for failed logins is reached.

I read on the net[1] about work-arounds using IdentitiesOnly, but IMHO
the agent (or whatever's involved) should not be getting in the way like
this in the first place.  What can I set in the way of agents so that
this 'authentication failures' error no longer happens?  Are others able
to get this error, too?



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