Saucy artwork

Pierre Gobin lubuntu at
Fri Jun 21 18:54:53 UTC 2013


I have some questions about Saucy artwork :
- As Firefox will be by default on Lubuntu, can we hope that its icons 
will be integrated with Lubuntu (I'm talking about previous and next 
buttons, downloads, bookmarks).
- Is an evolution planned for the home button ? I find it not very 
- Some applications seem to use wrong icons. For example, in the menu, 
desktop preferences icon is monochrome. An other example, PCManFM uses a 
monochrome icon in its title bar.
- Can we ask for have box icon for some applications which are not 
include in Lubuntu ? I guess it is not the priority, but I am especially 
thinking of VLC, Filezilla, Geany.

Thanks to the whole artwork team for his incredible work !

Pierre GOBIN

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