[Lubuntu-qa] [Test Report 2] Minimum RAM required to install 'saucy-desktop-i386.iso' from LiveCD

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 00:59:15 UTC 2013

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:49 AM, Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at fastmail.fm>wrote:

> Ali,
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013, at 05:31 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:14 AM, Jonathan Marsden
> >> I'd much prefer a test using the default install type.  ...
> > With all due respect, this will make no difference whatsoever, IMHO.
> > What this has to do with RAM Usage and zRAM and stuff like that?
> It is possible that one path through the installer sets up the manually
> created swap partition sooner, or differently, than the path that
> automatically partitions the whole disk.

IMHO, we need an expert who can tell us that :D
IMHO, testing will never prove or show us that. I understand what you are
saying, but for someone sitting and watching what is happening on a
monitor, won't notice or can tell what is going on deep inside. Please,
understand I'm not against you in this, I'm just saying :) stating my
opinion. As I believe all of us are smarter than anyone of us so sharing
each other thoughts is a great thing :)

> Second, if you are sure "it makes no difference whatsoever", why would
> you choose the manual partitioning way -- it needs more time and more
> mouse clicks, for what you say is "no difference whatsoever"?!

Because, I have two HDD (please check the report) and I have Data on the
first HDD (BUT NO SWAP Partition) and I just did the manual approach and to
be honest, as I said, 4 tests were done via "Automatic" approach so,
thought some kind of a change. But, tell you the truth? I knew it you would
disagree :D I was right :D but yet again, because I have two HDD, I just
wanted to do the manual way.

> > I still see no good reason to do a 7th test (4 before, 2 tonight - not
> > to mention the failed ones) but if you insist, I can do it later, not
> > tonight. It's 4:30am and I'm half asleep already O_o
> I'm not insisting on anything.  But this aspect of the test surprised
> me, because it's not the kind of "default install the way a newcomer
> will do an install" that was the overall intent of this testing.
Again, IMHO, that would make no difference. Logically. Yes, I know, you
want to do it after all.

> Don't lose sleep doing Lubuntu testing :)
How can I sleep and you are asking me for more tests? :P :P :P hehe

Anyway, no promises here but if I get a chance, I will do it, just for you
despite the fact I'm not convinced at all.


"All of us are smarter than any one of us."

*Best Regards,*
*amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
*Start Ubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>
*Test Machine1: ASUS F3F Laptop - Intel Core Duo T2350 @ 1.86GHz with 489MB
*Test Machine 2: Desktop - Intel P4 Hyper Threading (2 Logical CPUs) @3GHz
- 512MB DDR 200MHz RAM*
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