Default Programs to 13.10 and 14.04

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at
Thu Jun 13 19:58:47 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Andre Rodovalho
<andre.rodovalho at>wrote:

> Hello All!
> (I don't know if there is another thread about this, so If there is:
> sorry!)
> I'm mailing to give some feedback about Viewnior 1.3, and to suggest a new
> software that might be good to have as default on the next releases (13.10
> if time is enough, off-course).
> I've been using Viewnior since I've installed 13.04, and I got to say,
> much better then the other one, no bugs, no crash, and more features...
> The software I would like to see as default on the next releases is Fotoxx
> 13.06+ - (we have a older version on
> ubuntu's repo.). This software is quite good to manage images, there is
> lots of tools to edit, to tag, and also to manage it as batch (rename,
> move, resize...)
> It's a lightweight softwarre, and has the following dependences: GTK,
> libtiff, libpng, liblcms, dcraw, ufraw, exiftool. The .deb package
> available to install on developer's website has about 2.2mb (x86_64).
> Looking forward to your guys opinion, tnx!


FOR ME, after +2 years with Linux and Lubuntu, I would care less about the
default applications whether for Lubuntu or any other distribution.
It is 'impossible' to have a distribution that will meet anyone's need
UNLESS that one creates/builds his/her own system.

I always install some programs after I install Lubuntu:

and some other apps

Many default apps for Lubuntu I never ever use, not even once for the last
two years.

Of course, that is only me. IMHO, it is purely a personal opinion so there
is no way we can make everyone happy but yes, some applications, after so
long discussions, debate, etc ... might be changed :D
For example, finally, Firefox replaced Chromium by default.

After all that time, I came to a personal opinion about all this that I'd
like to share. IMHO, I would never waste my time discussing the same topic
as long as I'm able to download and install the application I need. BUT,
that is only me - just sharing my personal opinion and thought about this.

Thank you!


"All of us are smarter than any one of us."

*Best Regards,*
*amjjawad <>*
*Start Ubuntu<>

*Test Machine: ASUS F3F Laptop - **Intel Core Duo T2350 @ 1.86GHz with
489MB RAM*
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