Internet Speed

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at
Tue Jun 4 10:09:51 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Yorvyk <yorvik.ubunto at> wrote:
> On 04/06/13 05:49, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
>> Hello Jackson,
>> Are we talking about the Network Manager version? Or type of Wifi? As in
>> G or N? Or release? What do you mean by wifi version?
> All of the above.
> Have you checked in BIOS to see if there is are any settings for Wi-Fi?
> Try deleting the Wi-Fi settings in network-manager, or what ever you use,
> and the reconnecting. It maybe the settings a 'stuck' at 1 Mb/s.
> Steve

Thank you, Steve for your answer :)

1- Regardless what release of Lubuntu I'm using, 12.10 or 13.04, same result.

2- The laptop (check my signature) is an old one. I'm sure it has
802.11g but the maximum speed of 802.11g should be 54Mbps and YES, I
know that is the theoretical speed and usually, the real speed is
somehow 50% of that so still it should work.

3- I'm using 802.11n router which is definitely compatible with 802.11g

4- I already have checked BIOS, nothing at all for Wifi.

5- I have already deleted the network form the network manager, did
not change anything.

>From my understanding, the speed of 802.11g which is 54Mbps (Maximum)
is the speed of data transmission between layers, etc. Not the speed
of the internet that your ISP provides you with. I might be wrong

Now, I had an USB Wireless Adapter. It is 802.11n and when I connected
it and disconnected the built-in one on my test laptop, the speed is
getting better and is showing 8.something Mbps
(download speed) instead of 0.88Mbps and 1.something Mbps (upload

HOWEVER, and I still can't understanad that ... without that USB
Adapter and while I'm using the default Wifi built-in adapter on my
test laptop, the last test result from is:

Download Speed: 0.88 Mbps
Upload Speed: 3.something Mbps


How come the upload speed is much higher than the download speed? that
can not be.

There is something wrong maybe with the driver or the built-in adapter
itself? I do not know what is going on?
Never had such issue before. Maybe because I have never had a higher
than 1Mbps internet before.

Best Regards,
Start Ubuntu

Test Machine: ASUS F3F Laptop - Intel Core Duo T2350 @ 1.86GHz with 489MB RAM

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