lubuntu 13.04: mouse middle button missing features

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at
Sun Jun 2 19:00:02 UTC 2013

On 02/06/13 19:26, Iberê Fernandes wrote:
> Steve,
> tks for prompting that bug!
> It might be useful for my Core2Duo T7300 that runs Lubuntu 12.04 on dual
> boot. However, the more I learn Lubuntu, the least I use Windows 7 on
> that laptop. In fact, Lubuntu 12.04 has been my first OS since I had
> installed it there. As a secondary option, when I log into W7 and go
> back to Lubuntu 12.04 I feel the erratic scrolling. My solution: unplug
> and replug mouse has been working fine.
> On the other hand, the Celeron M 1200mhz is not dual booting. It's been
> running pure Lubuntu since 11.10, upgrading to 12.04 and 13.04 (fake
> pae). Always fresh install. No W there because makes the laptop feels
> like garbage.
I wasn't sure if it be any use, but you never know. I would file a bug 
for your current problem though as it's not too good when previously 
working hardware stops working with a new release.


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