Video Problems - Saucy

Federico Leoni effelle at
Tue Jul 16 13:36:59 UTC 2013

2013/7/16 Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at>:

> When it comes to watching videos (movies or anything else), I turn to be Mr.
> Lazy who just wants to sit back, watch and enjoy, no more, no less. I put
> all my skills and experience away, and just think about one simple fact =
> enjoy. That is why, these 'some adjustment' that you are talking about is
> something extra that I need to do. Hmm, let's see :)

Adjustment means you need to choose the right videos for your computer
else you will need a video card upgrade. :)

> You mean my PC has no power to run 1920x1080 video? the same resolution of
> The Avengers that I was trying to watch yesterday?

Exatly. HD and FullHD H264 video are hardware encoded, means you need
to do a decode using a specific st of instructions in you GPU. If not
present the CPU needs to do the hard work (software decoding).

> ASUS F3F with Intel Core Due @ 1.86GHz and 512MB RAM can handle that, as far
> as I remember. I don't use that machine anymore and not willing to at the
> moment. I have watched many videos with VLC and GNOME Player, I don't recall
> the same issue.

Please consider BogoMips score just for reference, the difference
between this class of CPU in real life is huge. In theory my P4 3.0Ghz
score 6000 bogomips. The Intel Core Duo 1.86Ghz score is 7440 (3720
per core) and is a REAL dual core not an Hyper Threading CPU like the
P4.  Means a you have two physical CPU working on the video decode.
Beside this you need to consider the front side bus of the Core Duo is
1066mhz, the P4 has 800mhz: 33% more band for the information flow.
There are also new instructions set to help decode video on tihs type
of CPUs.

> 720p is less resolution of the one I tried to watch yesterday, correct? not
> sure if I have that downloaded, I need to check.

Yes the other was 1080p.

> Okay, I checked another less resolution video and
> O_o
> WOW!!!!!!!
> Video 1
> Video 2
> O_o
> What a HUGE difference!

Sure, the first one is probably a dvdrip, and the size is a 608x256
(16:9), a quarter of a FULLHD resolution. Is just an encapsulated
video then it don't needs to be decoded andPlease consider BogoMips
score just for reference, the difference in real life is huge. for
that reason your CPU is not stressed. :)


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