Lubuntu alternative sessions script

Federico Leoni effelle at
Tue Jul 9 01:48:58 UTC 2013

Tested right now ZorinOS 7 free version, both the Core and the Lite.
Here's what I see.

-ZorinOS 7 Core is based on Gnome 3.6.2 fallback, Compiz and
as a dock AWN 0.4.1. They used a propritary meu, called Zorin Menu, a
fork of Gnomenu that change when you change the skin of AWN. As far as
I know the "Zorin Look Changer" GUI used to change aspect of AWN is
also proprietary software and to have the full version (with Windows
2000, Unity and OSX skin) you need to pay at least 7.99 US$. And pay
to have Unity dock is frankly ridiculous. The look changes in session.

Xp version:
Windows7 version:

-ZorinOS 7 Lite is based on LXDE, doesn't use a composite manager or
any kind of dock. In this case the "Zorin Look Changer" let you switch
from a Windows2000 or an OSX style. The last one use Adeskbar as a
dock, I have tried it for "our" version of OSX, so it suffer the same
problem reported on my other message:

-Adeskbar: is a gtk superlight dock but it can not mix launchers with open
windows list. Can act as a panel and has some applets too. Works fine
without composite manager.

The unique advantage over Plank is the ram used, 600k against 15mb!

Talking about the session configurator, they didn't create a new
session type under /usr/share/xsessions/ and on /etc/xdg/lxsession,
nor on ~/user/.config. Also, I didn't find any new "startlubuntu"
version on /usr/bin. The Zorin Look Changer point on a folder on
~/user/.look-changer/Looks/configs/name-of-the-theme/.config/. Here
you can find a series of folder to mod session on-the-fly. Need just
to logout and login again. You will not find another session on
LightDM but just the same. The various configuration are also store on
/etc/skel folder.

OSX version:
Windows200 version:

The Zorin Look Changer is on launchpad, I found just some information
in addition to the license type (GNU GPL v3). No code so far. I didn't
find much information about Zorin Menu.

That's all for tonight., I hope it helps.


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