Lubuntu alternative sessions script

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Mon Jul 8 08:44:00 UTC 2013

On 2013-07-07 20:29, Pete wrote:
> I have no worries over the 'office' functions (email, spreadsheets,
> presentations etc).
> The bit that concerns me is the CNC bit along with the software to 'port
> the specs' to the CNC machine as their specs often come from third party
> places who will quite possibly still be using windoze.
> I have not had enough experience of Ubuntu CNC to say for certain that
> there will not be any errors in then putting those files onto a *ubuntu
> box, and as that *is* their business they cannot afford any hassle
> however small and the transition *must* be seamless, as any hassle will
> have a negative impact on their business and they will end up going out
> and getting Win7 just for compatibility with their customers.

I think is cases where the operation is depending on third party
software for Windows, it may be necessary to have at least one or two
computers with Windows. One possibility is to keep XP and have it
off-line (no connection to the internet) after 'XP end of life'. The
other possibility, simpler but more expensive is to get a computer with
a current version (Win7 or Win8).

I think it may cost too much to make the third party software work with

Best regards

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