[Lxde-list] LXDE-Qt preview

Andrea Florio andrea at opensuse.org
Thu Jul 4 12:58:39 UTC 2013

Attention, i'm not arguing on what is the best framework for you to use.
I'm just arguing on the fact that right now we have a static "stable" gtk
environment. from this perspective, the Qt development is a simple
experiment that is taking away valuable time that could be use to improve
the gtk release.

If you believe that Qt is better, not a problem, let's swap to Qt and
develop in Qt... but at one point, better sooner then later, you will have
to pick one, and focus your efforts on it.
this is why i wrote those questions before...

> where is the project going?
> what are the developers goals?
> what framework are you choosing to allow people to join and be productive?


2013/7/4 PCMan <pcman.tw at gmail.com>

> This actually makes sense and is not a waste of time.
> We need a reliable and productive toolkit for the future.
> It's the attitude of upstream authors of the toolkits that really matters.
> If they're against their users and only care about their own need and
> branding, then it's not the right way to go.
> To make the project better, we need a toolkit which is designed for
> everyone and cares about different needs.
> It's quite frustrating that during new gtk+ release your application
> breaks so often.
> Seeing what he said when choosing the new kernel scheruler, I think
> Linus will also agree that the attitude of the maintainer is
> important.
> The CK patch sets are quite awesome and I really like them, though.

Andrea Florio
AT&T Brno - Tier 3 Network Specialist
CISCO CCNA, CCNA Wireless, CCNP Certified
openSUSE Official Member (anubisg1)
Email: andrea at opensuse.org
Email: af973u at intl.att.com
Cell: +39-328-7365667
Cell: +420-776-793519
Website: http://journey4ccie.com/
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