[Lxde-list] LXDE-Qt preview

Andrea Florio andrea at opensuse.org
Thu Jul 4 10:14:01 UTC 2013

i don't want to sound annoying, but don't you think you are wasting time
and focus?

GTK2+ , GTK3, Qt.. a lot of "games" but little innovation or "real"
development ..

i have some questions..

where is the project going?
what are the developers goals?
what framework are you choosing to allow people to join and be productive?


2013/7/4 Jerome Leclanche <adys.wh at gmail.com>

> On 4 July 2013 10:47, PCMan <pcman.tw at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Will razor-qt source tree be separated into different modules in the
>> future?
> I agree that's needed. I can't say whether it will actually be done, as I
> don't commit a lot myself, but for the sake of cooperation I do believe we
> should make it possible to compile like that.
> I believe razor libs are used for theming of the panel. I'm not sure the
> current approach is the best solution; it might be better if we make our
> theme config do the work of changing the panel config itself, rather than
> the panel pull in its config from razor theme. I don't know what else it's
> used for.
> CCing razor list as I'd like some comments from other devs in that regard.
> If pcmanfm manages the desktop that's cool, although please do make sure
> it's optional (so that other users can choose to run a third party desktop
> widget if they choose to). razor-desktop is optional itself as well, so
> that's a win-win.
> One issue with the file manager taking care of desktop management is the
> lack of support for extra desktop widgets (a desktop clock is the canonical
> example). In an ideal world, the desktop is managed by a desktop app
> (plasma, razor-desktop, ...) and file managers would provide some kind of
> standard interface to improve interaction between desktop and fm. I don't
> see that happening though. I believe it's more or less what plasma's FM
> widget does but that's still implementation-specific, so useless outside
> dolphin/kde.
> What do you use libfm for in the panel? I'm guessing the menu? If so, I'd
> say that's an overreach from libfm.
> I was thinking earlier about the possibility of razor-panel becoming its
> own third party app. Theming/branding are the main issue with that but not
> one that cannot be fixed.
> If you have any pull requests that would improve interaction in that
> regard, make sure to CC me on them on github (@Adys), I'll review them as
> well.
> J. Leclanche
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Andrea Florio
AT&T Brno - Tier 3 Network Specialist
CISCO CCNA, CCNA Wireless, CCNP Certified
openSUSE Official Member (anubisg1)
Email: andrea at opensuse.org
Email: af973u at intl.att.com
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Website: http://journey4ccie.com/
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