Lubuntu alternative sessions script

Federico Leoni effelle at
Fri Jul 5 21:16:34 UTC 2013

Yes and no.
Cairo-dock is not the lightest in the world for sure but is a good
starting point and it can works without composite, even if badly i my
Plank was my second choice, is a good superlight solution but without
composite doesn't work well: themes doesn't not apply. And is  just a
launcher,not a complete panel replacement as Cairo-dock. But I can
work on it to see if I can do something good.
Composite manager is needed for shadows and transparency. Without CM
we will loose the WOW effect... But is indeed an optional.


2013/7/5 Mr Wislr <mrwislr at>:
> shouldn't we stay away from cario dock and come up with a docking
> solution that doesn't require a composite manager?

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