Fwd: Beginners Team Mentoring

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 13:47:43 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone,

Kindly read the below message from Duana Hinnen [1] (I'm CC'ing her in this

I'm sure I will find some guys who are interesting to step in and help ;)

Also, it is good idea to have a read at:

Thank you!

[1] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/duanedesign

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Duane Hinnen <duanedesign at ubuntu.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 5:07 AM
Subject: Beginners Team Mentoring
To: UBT List <ubuntu-beginners at lists.ubuntu.com>

HI team,
I ahve been working on the wiki today. Me and pablo are trying to adjust
our schedules so we can work on getting some things done in regards to the
team. One thing I would like to put forward is getting away with the style
of mentor program where an Ubuntu user comes to us for guidance and we
assign him an individual to mentor him. This style of mentor program has
rarely, if ever been succesful, been successful in the Ubuntu community. It
is very difficult to maintain the mentor list, assign the mentee to a
mentor that currently has the time. The mentor list frequently gets out of
date as members schedules change. Mentees often sit on the list for a long
time and get discouraged. The Mentee is under the impression that they can
not move forward in learning until they get a mentor. The bug squad tried a
different process a few cycles back. I would like to implement something
similar, our own spin on the idea

Instead of having one mentor for every mentee we have the entire team
helping each mentee. Once an Ubuntu user signs up for the team we instruct
them that questions they might have can be answered using the mailing list
and the IRC channel. This way the Mentors (the team) can answer questions
on their own schedules. Hopefully we have enough members with varying
schedules that someone will be available to answer the users question in a
timely manner.This Bug Squad seemed to have much better results with the
similar system they implemented.

We can use our focus group pages as a place to put great resources from all
over the web and community. This should help mentees be able to find
answers more readily on their own. Then if they still have questions they
have the entire team available via the mailing list and IRC to answer
questions. I think answers will be more forthcoming this way then if they
were waiting for an individual to get back to them.

I think this will also be good for the team. As a team we need to pull
together and strart accomplishing some tasks together. This will boost
morale and help us all feel like we are again working together to
accomplish a greater good. Additionally it eill bring the team toether as
we interact to accomplish common goals. Our team has an amazing pool of
talent. The potential of this team is amazing. I am hoping the team will
look favorably on this proposal. I am amazed by the feedback I get from
community members discussing the possobilities and potential this team has
to truly improve the community by leaps and bounds.

Duane Hinnen
duanedesign at ubuntu.com <duanedesign at gmail.com>
s <sip%3Aduanedesign at ekiga.net>kype: duanehinnen
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